Johnson Book Publishing serves the Creator and mankind by reaching the world through writing and publishing. If you have a message(s) the world needs to hear, you should write & publish your book. We assist in discovering the unrecognized and untapped supernatural miracle blessings in the gifts of writing and publishing.


Our assignment in the Great Commission is explained through the following Scriptures:

Deuteronomy 32:3–I will publish the name of the Lord.

Jeremiah 30:2–Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Write all the words that I have spoken to you in a book.

Psalms 68:11–The Lord gave the Word: greater was the company of those that published it.

Mark 13:10The Gospel must first be published among all nations.

Acts 13:49–The Word of the Lord was published throughout the whole region.

Through this institution, writers who thought they could not get their books published can have their dreams come to reality. We will continue to upgrade Johnson Publishing through seminars, latest technologies, workshops, and research.  Johnson Book Publishing easy-application technology program educates, guides, and equips the writer from the birthing of the book to its complete manifestation. We offer simple, affordable, and quality selections for writers of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.

Simply because we are our own leader in the industry, Johnson Book Publishing reveal secrets and truths that are hidden from you concerning good and bad publishing and much more…


As we fulfill our vision, it is our goal to travel to many cities bringing our Literacy Program to your Church, Library, or Conference Room. In our classes you are taught every aspect of writing and publishing. Complete the form below to set up your Book Writing Course.

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