The table below is an outline displaying simple steps to publishing with us. In following these important, yet simple solutions, you can successfully complete your book project with excitement and enthusiasm.


Send us your completed manuscript for an evaluation. A professional editor will review your manuscript to demonstrate where you are in the book development process. Afterward, you will receive a free review and a firm quote for the steps necessary to bring your book to completion; including transcription (if needed), editing, proofreading, typesetting, cover design, film and printing. There is no charge for this analysis. We only proceed to the next step with your approval and acceptance of our agency.


Once you except our bid, the process of transcribing begin (if needed) and/or proofing the draft of your manuscript. The completed draft will be forwarded to you for your comments, changes, and/or approval. Your input at this stage is very important to us. Whenever you request Johnson Book Publishing to “Plug-In” to your project, we will review the status of the manuscript with you step-by-step.


Our graphic team will incorporate your special, original cover design into a powerful and attractive bookstore cover. This is an important step! The cover attracts buyers to your book. The designing of the cover is a complex step where careful control coordinates film, digital files, ink coverage and half-tones to ensure accurate reproduction.

A copyright in your name, and ISBN and a barcode will be assigned by Johnson Book Publishing on your behalf. You, the author will retain all the rights to your work, and to the cover art.


What good is a book without a business plan? Remember, if this is your first book project, you have just created a business. If you fail to use strategic planning, your book will not succeed. Let Johnson Book Publishing's marketing and planning team assist you with solutions and marketing products.

Everything you need for your book is right here!


As we fulfill our vision, it is our goal to travel to many cities bringing our Literacy Program to your Church, Library, or Conference Room. In our classes you are taught every aspect of writing and publishing. Complete the form below to set up your Book Writing Course.

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